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Desire, fear, passion, temptation, bondage, shadow self, taboo, obsession, manipulation, primal instincts, addiction, self-destruction, materialism, raw power, sacred darkness, untamed forces

General Interpretation

The Devil card emerges as a profound mirror of our deepest human drives and primal nature. It reveals the internal and external forces that both empower and constrain us, often manifesting through unacknowledged truths, deep-seated fears, or powerful desires we’ve tried to suppress. This card illuminates our shadow self—those hidden aspects that contain both our greatest power and our most challenging truths. When The Devil appears, it signals a time of confronting these buried aspects, whether they manifest as temptations, unhealthy attachments, or self-imposed limitations. The card challenges us to examine where we’ve become enslaved to our own fears and desires, while simultaneously offering the key to our liberation. Depending on the surrounding cards, this energy can manifest as either transformative awakening or deepening entanglement.

Love and Relationships

In relationships, The Devil pulses with otherworldly magnetism and primal attraction, signaling soul-shaking physical chemistry and profound sexual connection. While this can indicate a passionately fulfilling bond, it may also reveal toxic dynamics or codependent patterns that require conscious awareness to transform. The card often points to situations where we feel “chained” to unfulfilling relationships or purely material connections. Surrounding cards will illuminate whether this represents sacred union or a calling to transmute unhealthy patterns into conscious connection.


The Devil stands as guardian of humanity’s deepest erotic mysteries, emphasizing raw sexual power and primal desires. It speaks to uninhibited exploration of fantasies and taboos, pointing toward experiences of unrestrained passion and intense physical connection. While this energy can manifest as profoundly fulfilling sexual expression, the card advises maintaining awareness around power dynamics and personal boundaries. It may indicate experimental or extreme aspects of sexuality, always with an emphasis on conscious choice and authentic desire.

Business and Finances

In career matters, The Devil illuminates our complex relationship with material success and external validation. It may reveal deep-seated fears or insecurities blocking our path, such as doubts about our capabilities or the temptation to take ethical shortcuts. The card can highlight manipulative workplace dynamics or golden handcuffs—situations where material comfort keeps us chained to unfulfilling paths. Alternatively, it may represent powerful ambition and drive, while warning against sacrificing authenticity for external measures of success. The Devil challenges us to transform material bondage into conscious prosperity.



Struggle, Release, Morality, Spiritual Awakening, Repression, Fear, Temptation, Overcoming Bondage, Recovery, Introspection, Manipulation, Moral Dilemmas

General Interpretation

In its reversed state, The Devil emerges as a potent symbol of a critical juncture within the eternal tug-of-war between good and evil, freedom and the shackles that bind. Here, we witness the nascent stirrings of liberation from the clutches of pernicious influences, be they the smothering grip of oppressive relationships or the self-erected barriers that have long stunted growth. It is a clarion call to squarely face down deep-seated fears and subject moral compasses to a ruthless reevaluation, all in the pursuit of choices that resonate with the truest, highest essence of the self. While this card’s inversion heralds the promise of spiritual ascension and emancipation, it also casts a spotlight on the lurking specters of repressed desires and simmering, unresolved conflicts, which, if left unchecked, could send one careening towards the polar extremes of either overzealous virtue or unrestrained indulgence. As a guiding light, it demands unflinching, brutally honest introspection and an unwavering focus on severing ties with all that has outlived its utility.

Love and Relationships

When The Devil appears reversed in matters of the heart, it lays bare the simmering cauldron of repressed sexual appetites or the herculean battle to extricate oneself from the quicksand of an unhealthy romantic entanglement. It signals an individual’s valiant yet fraught attempt to shatter the chains of a toxic, suffocating relationship dynamic. Should it be trailed by cards of a positive ilk, the augury tilts towards an ultimate resolution and the sweet taste of freedom on the horizon. However, a word of caution must be heeded, for this card can also portend the specter of violence or the tempestuous seas of emotional turmoil, born of tensions that have festered too long without resolution.


Reversed, The Devil stands as a stark reminder of sexuality held captive beneath layers of repression, of the Sisyphean struggle to integrate primal desires in a healthy, harmonious fashion. It embodies the impotence to give voice to intimacy, shackled as it is by the twin tyrants of shame and fear, compounded by the suffocating strictures of society. Left unaddressed, these pent-up tensions are liable to metastasize into feverish fantasies or gnawing frustrations. In more salubrious scenarios, it becomes a herald of the journey back to reclaiming personal autonomy and the audacious act of redrawing the boundaries of sexual self-expression.

Business and Finances

In the cutthroat arenas of business and finance, the appearance of this reversed card is a clarion call to identify and bolt from the jaws of restrictive, soul-sapping situations – be it a job that feels like a slow strangulation or the murky waters of unethical business practices. It spurs the seeker to stare down their apprehensions about financial stability and take bold, decisive steps towards unfettered freedom, whether that means summoning the courage to walk away from a toxic work environment or confronting and dismantling the web of manipulation that has ensnared the workplace.